Scientific Papers for NIPCC Report
NIPCC Report |
Sea Level Rise |
NIPCC Policy Brief - Sea-Level Report New South Wales, AU
Carter, et al, NIPCC |
Abstract: In July 2014, Whitehead & Associates Environmental Consultants, in consultation with Coastal
Environment and with funding from the NSW Government, produced a report for Eurobodalla
Shire Council and Shoalhaven City Council titled South Coast Regional Sea Level Rise Policy
and Planning Framework, Exhibition Draft. The conclusion of the following commentary and
analysis is that this report does not provide reliable guidance to the complicated issues of
measuring, forecasting, and responding to sea-level rise.
The image below presents the unmistakeable pattern of wide variations in rates of tectonic
uplift (points above the red zero baseline) and subsidence (points below) in different locations
around the world at particular times. In such circumstances, no effective coastal management
plan can rest upon speculative computer projections regarding an idealised future global sealevel,
such as those provided by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC).
Coastal management must instead rest upon accurate knowledge of local geological,
meteorological and oceanographical conditions, including, amongst other things, changes in
local relative sea level.
For the central and southern New South Wales (NSW) coast of Australia, this requires basing
management policies on the range of long-term rates of sea-level rise of 0.63-0.94 mm/yr that
have been measured at the nearby Sydney (Fort Denison) tidal gauge.
The implied 6.3-9.4 cm of rise in the next hundred years is similar to the rise which occurred
during the preceding hundred years. This did not require, nor receive, any policy formulation
over and above the application of historic 20th century coastal planning regulations.
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