Date of TWTW |
Key Topics in this TWTW |
Dec 20, 2014
Lima, CO2, all-time high, binding, outline, terms, national commitments, Senate, constitution, president, China, India, west, demand, absurd, claim, evidence, rigor, science, plateau, pause, IPCC, temperatures, Morton, validate, climate models, rise, fall, knowledge incomplete, absorbing gases, natural causes, human causes, relative importance, emissions, NEPA, green jobs, production tax credit, subsidy, fracking shale, CBO, Marcellus, Cuomo, New York, stagnation, AR-4, Nobel, Solomon |
Dec 13, 2014
Lima, COP-20, COP-21, Paris, UNFCCC, IPCC, Kyoto, China, US, agreement, congress, administration, CO2, electricity, delegates, EU, China, India, global climate fund, accounting, pretense of knowledge, models, public, CRS, UNFCCC, World Bank, GCF, trustee, unprecedented, drought, California, temperature record, Mann, Royal Society, experts, NIPCC, neonicotinoids, EPA, green jobs, $1 Trillion |
Dec 6, 2014
Lima, game, civilization, IPCC, World Bank, EU, administration, climate establishment, poker, fund, climate change, China agreement, nature, models, oil prices, alternatives, executive powers, challenged, Tribe, EPA, climate plan, Mann, hockey-stick, temperature measurements, 826,000, electric autos, gasoline |
Nov 29, 2014
Reproducible, pipelines, energy policy, UK, Germany, US, solar, wind, sources, comparable, dispatchable, weather dependency, fixed targets, control, variable cost, marginal cost, government subsidizing, solutions, efficiency, CCS, specialized, duration, existing plants, MATS, supreme court, ozone, voc, smog, health effects, CO2, duplicate, proof consistent over time, Tierra del Fuego, oil sands |
Nov 22, 2014
Arctic, area, Ball, Holdren, science adviser, EU, UK, innovation, risk, greens, lame-duck, Keystone XL, Washington, Democrats, Mercantilism, benefit of trade, control trade, EPA, Google, failure, learning, heavy snow, Great Lakes, crazy winters, cold, Siberia, hottest month, time-series, splicing, Briggs, EPA comment, western civilization |
Nov 15, 2014
Solar, wind, subsidies. 18.862 billion, senate, house, election, china, US, agreement, announcement, press release, actions, scientific community, Obama, successor, pretense, world leader, carbon dioxide, emissions, CO2, obligates, industrialization, competitors, green reaction, authoritarian government, executive orders, playing field, Inhofe, ivory tower, Gruber, integrity, public service, Pelosi, climate forecasts, control knob, natural cycles, Sagan, authority, Arctic methane, natural disasters, Khandekar, Kashmir, Pielke, climate change a causal factor, budget, CSA, genetic modification, moral choice, GISS, BBC guidelines, climate pledge |
Nov 8, 2014
IPCC, synthesis report, NIPCC, climate sensitivity, irreversible, no warming, US elections, rigor, government-sponsored research, carbon dioxide benefits, funding, right climate stuff, models, fail to predict, verified and validated, government overreaction, EPA embarrassing, energy policy, green lobby |
Nov 1, 2014
IPCC, synthesis report, 21st century warming, latter-day explanations, climate sensitivity, low-end estimates, high-end estimates, impacts, adaption, vulnerability, mitigation, climate science, EU 2030, energy poverty, Poland, 27% renewables, Climate Change Act, principles, sound energy policy, Brignell, failing wind, UK study, free wind, myth, grid, oil price, regulations, subsidies, India |
Oct 18, 2014
Hypothesis test, climate sensitivity, Charney, high end, low end, too high, satellite temperature data, IPCC, AR5, Singer, CRU, Tim Ball, Lamb, natural climate change, models, measure components, lack of data, stations, no data, climate change act, energy costs, energy storage, interconnectivity, management of demand, still wind, Palm Springs, pretense of knowledge, Department of Defense, Ebola, US Fish and Wildlife, no regulations, shale, six years, BLM, 50% by 2020, Navy, tornado swarms |
Oct 11, 2014
Feynman, vague, Lindzen, Kyoto, Curry, WSJ, climate sensitivity, central limit theorem. Motl, surface data, Brown, average, models, flooding, Arctic, Antarctic, sea ice, carbon tax, singer, oil prices |
Oct 4, 2014
Koonin, good enough, policy, Santer, Stocker, Charney, 35 years, natural influence, human, models, overestimate, hot spot, fingerprint, Singer, coal-fired power plants, natural gas, emissions, Administration, 2050, sea level rise, local knowledge, no global projections, 2 °C, Australia, heat, data, DECC, £150 per megawatt-hour, walruses, Antarctic sea level |
Sep 27, 2014
pep rally Kerry, marchers, economic benefit, Germany, California, electricity cost, authoritarian appeal, Lewis, Curry, climate sensitivity, aerosols, empirically, 0.2ºC/per decade, explanations, Koonin, 35 years, climate policy, McKitrick, salmon, Ball, Florida, sea level rise, production tax credit, 1.6 million bbl./d, rail |
Sep 20, 2014
Pep rally, UN, summit, leaders, absent, peoples climate march, co2 emissions, Whelan, ASCH, hindcasts, Charney report, forecasts, Koonin, NIPCC, uncertainty, OAS, replication, American Economic Review, temperature trends, surface warming, surface warming atmospheric warming, lag, sea ice, well productivity, shale oil, gas |
Sep 13, 2014
WMO, temperature trends, 15%, 23%, greenhouse effect, NOAA index, radiative forcing, climategate, acidic, 97% consensus, Montford, Cook, Greenland blocking, missing heat, 52 excuses, spencer, explaining greenhouse, Australia, bureau of meteorology, natural gas, prices, greenhouse index, no warming trend |
Sep 6, 2014
Handout, photosynthesis, senate, EPW, exhale, CO2, report, update, critical thinking, EPA, administrators, government, control, sea ice, 1960s, polar vortex, Lamb, Ball, water shortage, fracturing, EROI, trivial, DOE, EU, 99.999%, un, summit |
Aug 30, 2014
IPCC, desperation, synthesis, AR5, leaked, dangerous, no warming, climate establishment, circular reasoning, smoothed data, models, short-term, regional, warming trend, avoiding Congress, blind eye, courts, green jobs, capital intensive, electricity efficiency, department of energy, stimulus bill, missing emails, streams & waterbodies, iceberg, EPA, pollutants, asthma |
Aug 23, 2014
Dance, IPCC, temperature trends, surface record, atmospheric warming, missing heat, HadCRUT, Chen, Tung, Atlantic, MOC, 95% certainty, cause of 20th century warming, climate sensitivity, CO2, D-O events, ENSO, methane, Michaels, 97%, luxury good, wind power, Department of Energy, Moniz, production tax credit, datasets |
Aug 16, 2014
Brignell, models, observations, Holocene, Easterbrook, PNAS, inconsistency, proxy data, conundrum, physical world, Rossby waves, stationary pressure system, heat wave index, Arctic sea ice, co2 influence, logarithmic, EPA health issues, medical professionals, Congress, GAO, RIA, ozone rules, EIA, electrical generation, Mann, wind power, balloons, MATS, power plant closures |
Aug 9, 2014
Richmond Times-Dispatch, new low, Ebola, speculation, yellow fever, models, verify, forecast, models, EPA, Portugal, mwp, hot spot, human fingerprint, water vapor, climate establishment, aerosols, funding, green, west Antarctic ice sheet, deaths from weather, tanks, EU, 20%, climate change, immoral |
Aug 2, 2014
April Fools, Kerry, DDP, sea level, NIPCC, IPCC, West Antarctic, carbon dioxide, CO2, models, surface temperature data, controls, sensitivity, Soon, non-linear dynamics, solar influences, uncertainty, UV, magnetism, sun-like stars, Battig, sustainability, Peacock, right climate stuff team, EPA, endangerment finding, illusionary, erroneous, speculative, government funding, declining oil and gas, threat to energy security, economic advisers, DICE, pre-industry levels, little ice age, photosynthesis, WWI, mind-set, do nothing, sub-prime investments, foundations, minority staff, GAO, IRS, weather-related deaths |
Jul 19, 2014
ICCC-9, Spencer, Carlin, litigation, EPA, Kogan, NIPCC v. IPCC, sources, NOAA, AMS, Christy, satellite, Munich RE, 2013, 2014, disclaimer, NYT, Santer, Kyoto, slander, carbon tax, ocean mixing, southern oceans, 100 year temperatures, data-base. |
Jul 12, 2014
ICCC-9, Idso, Seitz, Soon, Moore, Aldrich, Spencer, Christy, Singer, physical science, biological impacts, Loehle, measurements, temperature record, models, Arctic, sea ice, sun, sea levels, pH, prediction, Easterbrook, NIPCC, IPCC, paradigm, Agriculture, Kuhn, control knob, vested interest, Haapala, AMS, BBC |
Jul 5, 2014
Temperature tiff, consistency, zombie stations, adjustments, hottest month, statistical significance, short record, coral reefs, animals, heat, tremors, climate-smart development, population movement, southwest, population crash, cellulosic biofuels |
Jun 28, 2014
Supreme Court, EPA, Utility Air Regulatory Group, endangerment finding, clean air act, 111(d), lines of evidence, NASA-GISS, risky business, BASIC, sustainable development, poverty eradication, blogs, self-correcting, irrigation, NOAA, measurement, GCM, model issues, US fossil fuel production |
Jun 21, 2014
EPA, rules, existing power-plant, carbon emissions, power plants, US reduction, costs, benefits, 0.02 deg, new power-plant, China, DDT, power, scientific-sounding, Botkin, climate change, human, natural, abrupt, Mr. Mann, natural gas, proved reserves, Club of Rome |
May 24, 2014
Bengtsson, forecasts, extreme weather, bias, climate sensitivity, Curry, pause, missing heat, Tol, IPCC, disband, NIPCC, NCA, rebuttal, false claims, UCS, Oxfam, military advisory board, military readiness, words, meaning, China, Russia, probability function, handout, Monterey shale, 97 percent |
May 17, 2014
Menton, NSPS, SCC, IPCC, AR5, SPM, complete ignorance uncertainty, White House, climate policies, prevent, global warming, climate change, NCA, trick, natural, human, pause, overestimate, US Global Change Research Program, military threat, CNA, catalyst for conflict, sea levels, Bengtsson, dialogue, disparity, models, observations, Cook, Gleick, artificial constraints, available energy, prosperity |
May 10, 2014
Churchill. $150 per gallon, Jackson, candidates, nca, National Climate Assessment, agencies, funding, sea level rise, prolepsis, Christy, Spencer, bias, models, Northwest US, Holgren, government powers, rights, litigation, EPA, deference, soot, court, ccs, asthma, El Niño, saturated fat, GAO, Navy, food security |
May 3, 2014
asymmetry, Southern Hemisphere, NIPCC global warm period, synthesis, IPCC, arguments, Spencer, fossil fuel subsidies, BBC, EPA, unchained, skeptics, TAR, wind subsidies, foundations, pipeline |
Apr 26, 2014
Dyson, blunders, facts, theories, climate establishment, bureaucracy, NIPCC, press, models, Whitehouse, climate researchers, years, logical fallacy, predictive power, trust, developing countries, IPCC, mitigation, categories, war, climate change, national energy security, Steyer, oil and gas employment |
Apr 19, 2014
The Jackson, NIPCC, IPCC, fails, CO2, controlling, knowledge, assertions, Idso, working group 3, Germany, renewable energy, contradicted, negligible costs, costs of global warming, mandate, what we dont know, confuse the public, time lag, feedbacks, AAAS, EPA, secret science, keystone, Pennsylvania, hydraulic fracturing, post hoc probabilities, 32%, 40% |
Apr 12, 2014
NIPCC, briefings, salary, temperature, models, satellite, policies, government funding, no improvement, gilded cage, Idso, benefits, plant characteristics, stress, future impact, food production, industrial revolution, empirical data, terrestrial animals, aquatic life, productivity, benefit to humanity, IPCC, Svensmark, cosmic rays, propaganda, climate control, schools, energy security, weather forecasting, |
Apr 5, 2014
NIPCC, Bast, IBD, CAGW, shifting, IPCC, adaption, political interest, threats, models, over-estimating, balance, climate mitigation, Rapp, risk, game theory, excesses, Gore, false dichotomy, null, Occams Razor, Carter, Dyson, proxy data, red noise, tax credit, well life, shale |
Mar 29, 2014
NIPCC, IPCC, difference, failure, gas exports, opposition, costs, Obama, keystone, contributions, Alaska, ANWR, Japan, coal, clean water act, endangered species act, McIntyre, Lewandowsky, green revolution, jobs, revenue, growth, oil, gas |
Mar 22, 2014
AAAS, climate report, Spencer, food production, famine, sensitivity, species extinction, hydro, back-up, natural gas export, energy independence, wind subsidies, certainty, predictability, reliability, Hedegaard, EU, carbon risk, Exxon |
Mar 15, 2014
Lewis, Crok, climate sensitivity, transient, equilibrium, aerosols, Shindell, push-back, cherry-picking, solar irradiance, tipping point, green policies, shale, high tech, $7,140,000 per hour, Senate, climate variability, Hansen, water-vapor, rail, Taylor, malaria |
Mar 8, 2014
IPCC, the right climate stuff, TRCS, Apollo, Lewis, Crok, GWPF, Michaels, Shaviv, 35 years, 2100, 1º, HadCRU4, social cost of carbon, scc, government policy, upper bound, Arctic ice, uncertainty, APS, Curry, extreme weather, Pielke, Buffett, anti-growth, defense review, un-validated models, grid experiment, Germany, wind power, 17%, solar, 11% |
Mar 1, 2014
EPA, endangerment finding, Supreme Court, Federalist Society, PSF, GHG, co2, separate standards, 4 million, jobs, NAS, RS, NIPCC, acid waters, Santer, Solomon, Schmidt, ENSO, 20 years, coincidence, Kaku, SCC, agriculture, benefits, CCS, CRS, Mann, McIntyre, Lewin, levelized costs, EIA |
Feb 22, 2014
APS, climate models, limits, Lamb, IPCC, 1990, circumpolar, vortex, temperature gradient, Ivanpah, Spain, solar, subsidies, Kerry, McNider, Christy, Spencer, fascism, authoritarian control, EU, poll, economic issues |
Feb 15, 2014
UK flooding, extreme weather, global warming, climate change, human emissions, greenhouse gases, Homewood, Met Office, forecast, drought, California, irrigation, green politicians, Obama, Katrina, exits, IPCC, AR5, SPM, natural influence, PDO, AMO, ENSO, Olympics, magical theories, cost of carbon, OMB, Spencer, Eagle Ford, climate resilience |
Feb 8, 2014
keystone, cmip, 90, models, IPCC, new generation, un-science, ar5, DOE, Spencer, 95%, tropical buoys, satellites, failure, plateau, fall, rise, predictions, unsuitable, hot spot, public, science, climate change, Hulme, political, white house, trespass, private rights, tortoise |
Feb 1, 2014
Lindzen, 4%, Obama, State of Union, EPA, social cost of carbon, ccs, oil, gas, ccs, carbon capture, coal-fired, gas-fired, power plants, electricity costs, US, Europe, solar power, interagency working group, benefits, CO2, buoys, science magazine, dispatchable, Briffa, hockey-stick, climategate |
Jan 25, 2014
State of the Union, Obama, weather, cold, EU retreat, temperature, datasets, integrity, Spencer, global warming signal, USHCN, PDO, index, Easterbrook, Curry, public, sophisticated, fingerprint, Santer, scc, cannabis, California, chemical phobia, water, Brignell, Ball |
Jan 18, 2014
nature, consensus, tropical, Pacific, trade winds, sun, volcanoes, aerosols, China, certainty, Solomon, ar5, HadCRUT, temperatures, no trend, Curry, anti-science, vortex, gas power plants, wind power, high cost, low value, energy policy, benign neglect |
Jan 11, 2014
API, letter, talking points, trap, sensitivity, sea ice, vortex, Holdren, Rossby waves, money, Met office, natural influence, human influence, turbine life, NREL, DOE, rare earths, IPCC, weakened case, uncertainties, models, Antarctic, original data, wind |
Jan 4, 2014
US, energy, smart drilling, LNG, export, unscience, non-science, IPCC, models, positive feedback, co2, logic, Lindzen, China, solar, pv, panels, bio-navy, climate comedy, polar exploration, NESIS, snowstorms, EPA, politicized science |